EasySoft - Data Feed Providers  
All Data Feeds
All of our data feeds, namely PrimeCharts, MetaStock, Indexia, Omega/SuperCharts/TradeStation and ASCII provide the same range of data.

Our different data feeds mean you can use just about any charting software with our databases and data feed.  Charting programs include Advanced Get, AIQ, AMIBroker, EzyCharts, Excel, Market Explorer, Market Master, Metastock, OmniTrader, SuperCharts, TradeStation, Quicken and many others.

Data is packaged into 4 categories (ASX, JSX, UK and USA markets), and users can purchase one or more of these options. Each of these packages is supplied with the Global (GLBL) data component. The Global data range can be optionally increased from its default size of about 190 items to over 4000 to include all global forex cross rates and also all crypto-currencies.

Our daily download for each exchange provides Open, High, Low, Close (or last trade) and Volume traded for all items. Some non-equity items have no volume available, for example indices and forex.  Some items have no open, high or low values, for example the London Gold afternoon price fix.

Our data feeds include the following features:

Fully Automatic   No websites to visit or navigate
High Speed   Just 15-30 seconds of connection time per day
Daily Messages   Custom messages giving a market summary are displayed each day with the download
Data Maintenance   The update software does all the needed maintenance for you such as:
  Auto adds new shares
Auto renames shares
Deletes old shares
Auto consolidates and splits share history
Auto corrects any historic errors
Time   Our downloads are made available to our clients as soon as possible after the market closes and the data is sent to us by the exchange. Where data for a specific download comes from sources other than the stock exchange (e.g. unit trust data in the JSX download) and that data is only available after the equity data is ready, we provide an early download with correct equity data and as much non-equity data available at that point. We then provide a later download with all items up to date. We also ensure through our unique data maintenance system that with your next download, any early data you downloaded that was not up to date is automatically retrospectively corrected for you. This system ensures that users get the bulk of their data as soon as it is ready and yet still have correct data for those other items.


In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

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