EasySoft - Data Feed Providers  
Welcome to EasySoft
End of Day (EOD) Stock Market data providers of the ASX, JSE, UK and USA markets for users of PrimeCharts software and all MetaStock, Indexia and Omega (SuperCharts, TradeStation etc) and ASCII compatible software packages. 

Additionally we support daily data feeds into Advanced Get, AIQ, AMIBroker, EzyCharts, Excel, Indexia II, Market Explorer, Market Master, Metastock, OmniTrader, SuperCharts, TradeStation, Quicken and many others.
EasySoft has been developing and suppling stock market data since 1986

Our range of data includes the Australian, South African, United Kingdom and United States markets along with an extensive array of general internationally needed data items (Indices, Forex, Futures, Commodities etc).  Our data is packaged into 4 categories (ASX, JSE, UK and USA markets) and is drawn from an extensive number of exchanges and institutions.

Our data feeds support PrimeCharts Market Master and Explorer software, and MetaStock and Omega SuperCharts/TradeStation software packages, and any others that read these formats or any ASCII format. We thus provide historic data in PrimeCharts, MetaStock, Omega, Indexia and all ASCII formats.  Most software packages will be able to use either our Metastock database or our ASCII database.

This website features the services we market directly to the end-user, irrespective of their location.

The fastest way to establish how our data feed can benefit you, is by downloading and running one of our fully functional, time limited, trial systems and seeing if it suits your needs - there is no cost or obligation in doing so - click here to do so now. 

In providing computer software, methodologies, stock exchange data and/or training, neither EasySoft nor PrimeCharts takes into account the investment objectives, financial situation and/or particular needs of any particular person.  Before making an investment decision on the basis of a computer software package, and/or related data therein, the investor or prospective investor needs to consider, with or without the assistance of a securities adviser applicable to the area in which the investor resides and/or intends investing in, whether the advice is appropriate in light of the particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of the investor or prospective investor.

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